Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

How to Make Pasung Cake

       Have you ever eaten pasung ?  It’s a very  delicious food  from West Kalimantan. not only the taste is good, but it is also not easy to rotten. You can  find it in Ramadhan month.  Every Ramadhan, almost all of malayan in Sambas  make pasung as their tradition. According to them, pasung is made to open  the chain that bundled the spirit. Pasung is almost similar with nagasari, but it has  no banana slice. For you that want to make it by  yourself, you can follow  a two-main step procedure  : preparing the ingredients and  making the Pasung cake.

First, preparing the ingredients can be devided into two steps,  they  are  two kind of dough that should be made. For the first dough, the  ingredients that you should prepare are 150  gram of rice  flour, 300 gram of   java sugar (boil with 150 cc of water, and filter it), 500 cc of coconut milk, and 50  gram of sago  flour.  for the second dough, the ingredients are 1000 cc of thick coconut milk, 75 gram of java sugar, salt, 50 gram of rice flour, 30 gram of sago flour, 125 cc of water, and the last one is banana’s leafs as the cone.
Next, we come to the process to make pasung. It is also divided into three steps. The first step is mixing the rice flour and java sugar  for ten minutes. We do the same thing to the coconut milk and sago powder. Then, mix the whole dough into one dough called .  Stir it for a while by wooden spoon. We call it the first dough. The second step is to make the second dough by cook the coconut milk   until it oily. We  also cook Java sugar, salt, and 75 cc of water till boiled, and then filter it. We put it into basin and do not forget to mix it with rice  flour. The mixture of sago powder and water is mixed into the dough of rice powder and coconut milk. The last step is  putting in the first dough into the cone of banana’s leaf about ¾ of it, then steam it. If the texture looks little bit harder, we continue to put in the second dough on it. Then, we steam it again until it really done.


It is not really hard to make pasung. You do not need wait until Ramadhan  comes, if you want to eat it. You can make it by  yourself at your home, because the process is easy to do. Besides that, you can also try to sell it as your family’s income. Just try it, it works.

by: Friscka br Manurung
source: Niah Sugiarti

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