Selasa, 05 Juli 2011


The picture above is Modern version of Sumpit - Dayak's traditional weapon. It made from light wood with a minimum length 1,50 meters and the longest 2,25 meters. For dayak tribe, it usually used as weapon to hunt the animal in the forest. If the dayak tribe in danger it usually used as weapon to attack enemy with bullet made by wood and needle that has poison on it. There's different used and length for man and women use. Man usually use the longer one than the women use. If the adult man use 2,25 meters in length, the woman will use 1,70-1,75 meters in length. If the user is Boy they will use 1,85-1,90 meters in length and girls will use 1,50-1,65 meters in length. This Weapon has special treatment, we can't put in on the floor or step on it (melangkahi) it will make the Sumpit can't work normally because it kept by angel. 

The original Sumpit will not use wooden knife on the end, but use metal knife that can hurt and stab the enemy. The way to hold Sumpit is not like you use gun you need to hold the part below with both hand.

 The part you will hold with both hands.

The hole on the picture above is to blow the air to push the bullet. You don't do the breath with your nose but deep lung. You need to hold it about 5 seconds then release it.

Source        : Rachmahditha Privat photo and experience
Properties  : Rachmahditha's own Sumpit
Posted by   : Rachmahditha M.N.
Thanks To : Stephanus Paiman OFM CAP, Christianus Samanyuk, Stephanus Josua Kayo, Christhophorus Fernando Pangaraga and FRKP.

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