Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

The History Of Kelam Hill In Sintang, West Borneo

Have you ever heard about Kelam hill in Sintang, West Borneo?
It is beautiful and exotic place in Sintang City.
Kelam hill also have story that popular in Sintang society.

       Once upon a time in Sintang, we need we had two leaders who were descendants of the Gods. they had supernatural powers, but had different nature, the first named Bujang Beji, a leader which has the natural evil, destroyer, spiteful, and greedy, that is why many people hate him.while the leaders of the two named Tumenggung Marubai. He has a nature nature which is contrary to the Bujang Beji, Tumenggung Marubai was helpful, good-hearted, and humble. 

         Both of them worked as fisherman, and farmer. Bujang Beji commanded on the branch of Kapuas River and Temanggung Marubai commanded on the branch of Melawi River. The problems started when the river which was commanded by Temanggung Marubai had more fish than the river where Bujang Beji was fishing. It made Bujang Beji was jealous because the fish that he caught was not as many as Tumenggung Marubai.

           Then Bujang Beji devised evil intentions to drain out the fish in the river where Temanggung Marubai fishing. He lifted the top of Nanga Silat hill to steam the river where Temanggung Marubai fishing, in the journey between Nanga Silat and Melawi River the goddesses anoyed him, so he failed to steam the river.

           He was angry to the goddesses and planned to kill them. Bujang Beji tried to plant trees that would be used as a way to reach heaven and kill the goddesses who had laughed at him.He was angry to the goddesses and planned to kill them. In recent days, tall trees had grown until reach the sky. The top of tree could not see from earth.

          Before climbed the tree, Bujang Beji held traditional ceremony which was helped by all animals and evil spirits, but there were missing animal such as ie, termites swarm and bears. They were very angry, so they tried to uproot the tree with tree roots undermining for brittle. When Bujang Beji would climb the tree, the tree was cracked and Bujang Beji was crashing. Bujang Beji died and his body was taken by people to be made as a talisman.  The top of Nanga Silat hill which tried to borne by Bujang Beji, eventually became a hill that is known as Kelam hill.
These are the view of Kelam Hill now 


By: Friscka Br Manurung
Source: Septi setiany , Alex Fleming ( facebook )

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