Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

The Ritual Of Robo - Robo In Mempawah, West Borneo

         Robo-robo is a traditional ceremony from Mempawah, West Borneo. The word Robo-Robo itself means Wednesday, which means that Robo-Robo is held on the last week of Syafar, the Islamic month. Robo-Robo is held by Mempawah society as a memorial service for the journey of Opu Daeng Manambon, also known as Pangeran Mas Surya Negara from Matan Kingdom to Mempawah Kingdom on Syafar. Some people in Indonesia, especially in West Borneo, believe that Syafar is a disaster month. Therefore, besides held as a memorial service to Opu Daeng Manambon, Robo-Robo is also held to avoid the disasters which may come in Syafar. Robo-Robo has become annual ceremony or event that has its own history for Mempawah society.

The beginning of this story was when Opu Daeng Manambon and her wife Putri Kesumba came to Mempawah kingdom from Matan kingdom, Ketapang in 1148 `Hijriah or 1737 to receive the authority from Panembahan Putri Cermin to Putri Kesumba. So, Putri Kesumba was known as Ratu Agung Sinuhun, and her husband, Opu Daeng Manambon was known as Pangeran Mas Surya Negara. Opu Daeng Manambon and his wife sailed along with forty boats of their watchmen. When they arrived in Mempawah, they were welcomed by Mempawah society gladly and nicely who have waited at the bank of the river. There were so many colorful paper and clothes at the people’s houses around the river.

Opu Daeng Manambon and his wife, Putri Kesumba felt happy and honored for the welcoming. To say his grateful to the people, Opu Daeng Manambon asked his watchmen to take their food and give it to the society in order to be eaten with Mempawah society. The coming of Opu Daeng Manambon and his wife coincided on the last week of Syafar. So, besides welcomed Opu Daeng Manambon and his wife, according to the belief that Syafar was the month of disasters, the people and Opu Daeng Manambon, as well as his wife prayed together to God to be avoided from the disasters before they ate the food.
The next year, Mempawah society held the same ceremony or they called Robo-Robo on the last week of Syafar on Wednesday, outside of their house with their families. The people started Robo-Robo after they prayed Zuhur. Then, before Robo-Robo was started, the people echoed adzan and prayed to God to be avoided and protected from the disasters. Next, they did the ritual to keep the disasters away by throwing away the offering stuff for the spirits to Mempawah River. Finally, they ate all the food that they had made and served together. 

  Through this ceremony, Mempawah society broke the pillar of differences; religion, social status, and race. Everyone can join in this ceremony.

By : Friscka Br Manurung
Sources : Mega Zulfitriani, Lusken Pradesy Manik, Septy Setiani, and Onten Juliantini

1 komentar:

  1. Great blog! Many thanks. Do you know the calendar dates for the next ceremony? I would like to come to visit Mempawah and to take photos. Cheers, Matt.
