Kamis, 28 Juli 2011



In Sintang Regency, a longer festival to celebrate the 64th Independence Day of the republic Indonesia promotes it's local cultures. This is an ideal spot to see traditional dance, sports, exhibits, and games.

The Bumi Senentang Festival is part of the Proclamation Day festivities in West Kalimantan. The Dayak and Malay cultures heritage is displayed throughout Sintang.

TELP. 62-565-21204 / 62-561-742838
FAX. 62-565-21204-21003 / 62-561-739644

Melawi Cultural Displays commemorate the 66 Independence day in the Melawi Regency. Cultural shows and traditional games are performed for locals and visitors.

TELP. 62-568-22521 / 62-561-742383
FAX. 62-568-22221 / 62-561-739644

Posted By : Rachmahditha Mega N.
Source : Event Calendar 2011

Selasa, 05 Juli 2011


The picture above is Modern version of Sumpit - Dayak's traditional weapon. It made from light wood with a minimum length 1,50 meters and the longest 2,25 meters. For dayak tribe, it usually used as weapon to hunt the animal in the forest. If the dayak tribe in danger it usually used as weapon to attack enemy with bullet made by wood and needle that has poison on it. There's different used and length for man and women use. Man usually use the longer one than the women use. If the adult man use 2,25 meters in length, the woman will use 1,70-1,75 meters in length. If the user is Boy they will use 1,85-1,90 meters in length and girls will use 1,50-1,65 meters in length. This Weapon has special treatment, we can't put in on the floor or step on it (melangkahi) it will make the Sumpit can't work normally because it kept by angel. 

The original Sumpit will not use wooden knife on the end, but use metal knife that can hurt and stab the enemy. The way to hold Sumpit is not like you use gun you need to hold the part below with both hand.

 The part you will hold with both hands.

The hole on the picture above is to blow the air to push the bullet. You don't do the breath with your nose but deep lung. You need to hold it about 5 seconds then release it.

Source        : Rachmahditha Privat photo and experience
Properties  : Rachmahditha's own Sumpit
Posted by   : Rachmahditha M.N.
Thanks To : Stephanus Paiman OFM CAP, Christianus Samanyuk, Stephanus Josua Kayo, Christhophorus Fernando Pangaraga and FRKP.

Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

The Legend of the Name of Pontianak

         Do you believe that the name of Pontianak came from one of the ghost? Well, almost all of the citizens in Pontianak believe that the name of Pontianak means kuntilanak or female ghost. People said that when Sharif Abdurrahman Alkadrie, the eldest son of Al Habib Husin, arrived in the mainland of Pontianak, he met the kuntilanak and defeated         it.

Sultan Abdurrahman Sharif Alkadrie is was the Founder and the first Sultan of the Kingdom of Pontianak. He was born in 1142 AH / 1729 / 1730 AD. He is son the son of Al HabibHusin, a disseminator of Islam Arab origin. Three months after his father passed away in the kingdom of Mempawah, Abdurrahman Sharif Alkadrie and his brother tried to find a new place for living. They crossed the Peniti River along Kapuas River by fourteen boats till they arrived at KelapaTinggi
Segedong. Sharif Abdurrahman Alkadrie felt that the place was not a good one for living so they continued their journey. Then they arrived at an island, and they named it Batu Layang. 

In this island they were disturbed by a female ghost called Kuntilanak and Sultan asked his soldiers to defeat it by shot it by a cannon. Before he shot it
he promised himself, “I will build a new kingdom wherever the cannon ball fall down!” They succeeded to defeat the Kuntilanak and they found that the cannon ball fell down in a place where they built a new kingdom.

            They decided to name the new place as Pontianak. The name of Pontianak was taken from Kuntilanak. People in Pontianak still shoot the cannon without the ball as their tradition to remember the story. This tradition usually held on the ceremonial days such as Ramadhan, Eid, and New Year.
by: Friscka br Manurung
source: Marshauli Kristiari Sitindaon

How to Make Pasung Cake

       Have you ever eaten pasung ?  It’s a very  delicious food  from West Kalimantan. not only the taste is good, but it is also not easy to rotten. You can  find it in Ramadhan month.  Every Ramadhan, almost all of malayan in Sambas  make pasung as their tradition. According to them, pasung is made to open  the chain that bundled the spirit. Pasung is almost similar with nagasari, but it has  no banana slice. For you that want to make it by  yourself, you can follow  a two-main step procedure  : preparing the ingredients and  making the Pasung cake.

First, preparing the ingredients can be devided into two steps,  they  are  two kind of dough that should be made. For the first dough, the  ingredients that you should prepare are 150  gram of rice  flour, 300 gram of   java sugar (boil with 150 cc of water, and filter it), 500 cc of coconut milk, and 50  gram of sago  flour.  for the second dough, the ingredients are 1000 cc of thick coconut milk, 75 gram of java sugar, salt, 50 gram of rice flour, 30 gram of sago flour, 125 cc of water, and the last one is banana’s leafs as the cone.
Next, we come to the process to make pasung. It is also divided into three steps. The first step is mixing the rice flour and java sugar  for ten minutes. We do the same thing to the coconut milk and sago powder. Then, mix the whole dough into one dough called .  Stir it for a while by wooden spoon. We call it the first dough. The second step is to make the second dough by cook the coconut milk   until it oily. We  also cook Java sugar, salt, and 75 cc of water till boiled, and then filter it. We put it into basin and do not forget to mix it with rice  flour. The mixture of sago powder and water is mixed into the dough of rice powder and coconut milk. The last step is  putting in the first dough into the cone of banana’s leaf about ¾ of it, then steam it. If the texture looks little bit harder, we continue to put in the second dough on it. Then, we steam it again until it really done.


It is not really hard to make pasung. You do not need wait until Ramadhan  comes, if you want to eat it. You can make it by  yourself at your home, because the process is easy to do. Besides that, you can also try to sell it as your family’s income. Just try it, it works.

by: Friscka br Manurung
source: Niah Sugiarti

Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

The Funeral Ceremony of Chinese Tradition in Ketapang West Borneo

This is a funeral ceremony of Chinese tradition in Ketapang West Borneo when my friend’s dad Tuti died. The picture in the left is her father was in the coffin. If in common people used a shroud, Buddhist wears clothes such as shirt, trouser or dress according the family then covered by red slip cover and the “money” for people who died (the brown paper as the man hold on at the picture) on the face. In the coffin there is money, tea leaves (to keep the smell of the corpse).

People at the picture are the family of the corpse and they are holding the incenses to pray in front of the coffin. On the table there are photo, two candles in the left and the right side, fruits, pork, chicken.

The children of the corpse are in front of line that wears white clothes, white headband, and white ‘bracelet’. The other person who wears blue headband is the family of the corpse.

The picture above was the burial process in the hill. There are so many people from family or neighbor came to see the burial. The location of the burial is basically to the clan. Each clan was has a criterion by virtue of the foundation where they were. The corpse is from Lay clan so, he was buried among other graves that with Lay clan.

This is the process to put the coffin into the grave. At the picture there is a man who holds the bamboo. The person who can hold this bamboo is the son-in-law of the corpse.

After the burial process was finished, the tradition is to get small change or green peal and rice. The meaning of this tradition is that symbolize wealth and prosperity for anyone who get that things. More and more people get that things, the belief are they will get fortune and blessing for everything 
by: friscka br manurung
source : Tuti Marinus Laylani

Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

The History Of Kelam Hill In Sintang, West Borneo

Have you ever heard about Kelam hill in Sintang, West Borneo?
It is beautiful and exotic place in Sintang City.
Kelam hill also have story that popular in Sintang society.

       Once upon a time in Sintang, we need we had two leaders who were descendants of the Gods. they had supernatural powers, but had different nature, the first named Bujang Beji, a leader which has the natural evil, destroyer, spiteful, and greedy, that is why many people hate him.while the leaders of the two named Tumenggung Marubai. He has a nature nature which is contrary to the Bujang Beji, Tumenggung Marubai was helpful, good-hearted, and humble. 

         Both of them worked as fisherman, and farmer. Bujang Beji commanded on the branch of Kapuas River and Temanggung Marubai commanded on the branch of Melawi River. The problems started when the river which was commanded by Temanggung Marubai had more fish than the river where Bujang Beji was fishing. It made Bujang Beji was jealous because the fish that he caught was not as many as Tumenggung Marubai.

           Then Bujang Beji devised evil intentions to drain out the fish in the river where Temanggung Marubai fishing. He lifted the top of Nanga Silat hill to steam the river where Temanggung Marubai fishing, in the journey between Nanga Silat and Melawi River the goddesses anoyed him, so he failed to steam the river.

           He was angry to the goddesses and planned to kill them. Bujang Beji tried to plant trees that would be used as a way to reach heaven and kill the goddesses who had laughed at him.He was angry to the goddesses and planned to kill them. In recent days, tall trees had grown until reach the sky. The top of tree could not see from earth.

          Before climbed the tree, Bujang Beji held traditional ceremony which was helped by all animals and evil spirits, but there were missing animal such as ie, termites swarm and bears. They were very angry, so they tried to uproot the tree with tree roots undermining for brittle. When Bujang Beji would climb the tree, the tree was cracked and Bujang Beji was crashing. Bujang Beji died and his body was taken by people to be made as a talisman.  The top of Nanga Silat hill which tried to borne by Bujang Beji, eventually became a hill that is known as Kelam hill.
These are the view of Kelam Hill now 


By: Friscka Br Manurung
Source: Septi setiany , Alex Fleming ( facebook )

The Ritual Of Robo - Robo In Mempawah, West Borneo

         Robo-robo is a traditional ceremony from Mempawah, West Borneo. The word Robo-Robo itself means Wednesday, which means that Robo-Robo is held on the last week of Syafar, the Islamic month. Robo-Robo is held by Mempawah society as a memorial service for the journey of Opu Daeng Manambon, also known as Pangeran Mas Surya Negara from Matan Kingdom to Mempawah Kingdom on Syafar. Some people in Indonesia, especially in West Borneo, believe that Syafar is a disaster month. Therefore, besides held as a memorial service to Opu Daeng Manambon, Robo-Robo is also held to avoid the disasters which may come in Syafar. Robo-Robo has become annual ceremony or event that has its own history for Mempawah society.

The beginning of this story was when Opu Daeng Manambon and her wife Putri Kesumba came to Mempawah kingdom from Matan kingdom, Ketapang in 1148 `Hijriah or 1737 to receive the authority from Panembahan Putri Cermin to Putri Kesumba. So, Putri Kesumba was known as Ratu Agung Sinuhun, and her husband, Opu Daeng Manambon was known as Pangeran Mas Surya Negara. Opu Daeng Manambon and his wife sailed along with forty boats of their watchmen. When they arrived in Mempawah, they were welcomed by Mempawah society gladly and nicely who have waited at the bank of the river. There were so many colorful paper and clothes at the people’s houses around the river.

Opu Daeng Manambon and his wife, Putri Kesumba felt happy and honored for the welcoming. To say his grateful to the people, Opu Daeng Manambon asked his watchmen to take their food and give it to the society in order to be eaten with Mempawah society. The coming of Opu Daeng Manambon and his wife coincided on the last week of Syafar. So, besides welcomed Opu Daeng Manambon and his wife, according to the belief that Syafar was the month of disasters, the people and Opu Daeng Manambon, as well as his wife prayed together to God to be avoided from the disasters before they ate the food.
The next year, Mempawah society held the same ceremony or they called Robo-Robo on the last week of Syafar on Wednesday, outside of their house with their families. The people started Robo-Robo after they prayed Zuhur. Then, before Robo-Robo was started, the people echoed adzan and prayed to God to be avoided and protected from the disasters. Next, they did the ritual to keep the disasters away by throwing away the offering stuff for the spirits to Mempawah River. Finally, they ate all the food that they had made and served together. 

  Through this ceremony, Mempawah society broke the pillar of differences; religion, social status, and race. Everyone can join in this ceremony.

By : Friscka Br Manurung
Sources : Mega Zulfitriani, Lusken Pradesy Manik, Septy Setiani, and Onten Juliantini